Tuesday, August 31, 2010



I've been over the compensation plan a dozen times. I've had my skeptical friends and experts in the field examine it and we all agree it's not only sound but a solid and well conceived package that has obviously been designed to make it an irresitable opportunity to pass on.

The leadership and predictors all point to a bright and prosperous future for the company and it's marketers. Several of us have jumped on board during the pre-launch and have positioned ourselves at the top of the ladder.

View Compensation Plan

Sunday, August 29, 2010


ZilergyLifeStyle August 29, 2010 Hold Your Spot here

My name is Jay Bartels and I recently attended the first ever live Zilergy Corporate event here in my home town of Tampa on August 28th 2010. I came away astounded by the quality of leadership and the integrity that was displayed by everyone involved. I must admit I was very skeptical at first because although I've had tremendous success in the past I've also seen my share of companies full of promises that they never kept.

The gentleman in this video is a trusted friend of mine named Mike Storms and were it not for him I would have never entertained the thought of joining Zilergy as a leadership trainer, however I know that Mike is a man of integrity and that he wouldn't get involved with anything without him doing due diligence and making sure that this opportunity would go above and beyond anything either of us have seen in our combined 40 plus years of experience.

We are now in our pre-launch stage and I'm looking to build a leadership team to start at the top of the ladder and enjoy the benefits of making money and helping me train a strong team.

We have about 54 days before we officially launch but we're able to make immediate cash now before that time.

We've set up a website at http://www.holdyourspot.com/1505
(1505 is my personal page and you will have yours right away as well)

There is absolutely no cost to Hold your Spot. It's only to place you at the top as leaders and it will only be available until we launch.

If you are interested just hit "JOIN' and I'll give you a call and we can discuss everything in detail. This is not a landing page. I don't want anyone to join unless they're serious about making money and having a good time at the same time.

There is no commitment needed from you at this time, so don't worry about having to spend money. I want to educate on our product and give you all the information on our comp plan including the vacations we offer.

We have live webinars coming up and I'm sure you're going to be very excited about what you see. If not, don't worry about a thing. We can part as friends and that's the end of it I promise.

If you have any question or would like to speak to me or Mike Storms, feel free to email me at jayfromzilergy@gmail.com

I'll be there for you every step of the way and together we're going to make lots of money, go on a ton of vacations and have a world of fun.

You need a leader who knows how to make leaders and I'm right her at ground zero with the founders.

Looking forward to a long and prosperous friendship.

Jay Bartels